Our Product:

Stroke Detection Wristwatch

Vitaly Wristwatch is an advanced health monitoring platform.

Our team developed an advanced wristwatch that integrated various sensors to monitor important biomarkers including kinetic data (through gyroscope and accelerometer), sEMG, EDA, PPG, SpO2, HR, HRV, and skin temperature. These biomarkers are important for neurological disease detection. We could detect stroke immediately* after onset. Vitaly wristwatch also could serve as a health monitoring platform for doctors and caregivers.

Technical specification.

We integrated 10 sensors in our super light wristwatch. The weight is only 21 grams. Here are the technical specifications of our wristwatch:

Vitaly has an efficient software platform for health monitoring.

Vitaly Biotech offers a hardware platform to collect various health aspects and a software platform to analyze, monitor, and report real-time health data to caregivers and doctors.