Our Story

Welcome to Vitaly Biotech. I'm Lucas, the co-founder. Our companies began with a family tragedy—my grandfather's stroke, which went undetected until it was too late to treat effectively. This experience revealed a critical gap in stroke awareness and response, driving me to seek a solution.

At Vitaly Biotech, we're committed to preventing this pain for other families. Our flagship innovation, a stroke-detection wristwatch, embodies our dedication. This device isn't just a technological breakthrough; it's a tribute to those we've lost and a hope for the future. It represents our promise to equip individuals with the means for early stroke detection, transforming despair into actionable hope.

Join us in our quest to protect what's precious, one heartbeat at a time. Together, we can change lives.

Our mission

To empower individuals and families worldwide with cutting-edge technology for early stroke detection, significantly improving outcomes and preserving life's precious moments.

Our vision

Leading the charge for a world free from the fear of strokes, through breakthrough technology that safeguards every heartbeat.